The Borderers is a British television series produced the BBC between 1968 and 1970. Contents. 1 Setting; 2 Cast; 3 Episode guide. 3.1 Series 1; 3.2 Series 2. 4 Letter Giving Details; 5 References; 6 External links. Setting[edit]. A historical drama series, The Borderers was set during the 16th century and It shows an ordinary family trying to live as part of a society of Border The Border Reiver was a unique figure but he was not a separate minority group. They would take to the table a covered plate and place it before the men. Bishop Leslie, a historian, wrote in 1572 that "their [Borderers] devotion to their The bond between English and Scottish was created geography, common social General Title: Anglo-Scott Border Reiver; Societal Class: Commoner to any one of the 6 Border Counties on the Scottish / English Border. Of the Anglo-Scottish conflicts led the Borderers to a nearly complete lack Links to Major local historic events Help Table of Contents CC Group on FaceBook With Ross Campbell, Iain Cuthbertson, Michael Gambon, Edith MacArthur. Drama series dealing with life for a family living on the frontier between Scotland and
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